Развитие через преодоление конфликтов

Сибирский Центр медиации

Развитие через преодоление конфликтов 

To Sir Andrew J. Wiles (Fermat's Theoreme)

Fermat's Last TheoremeIn the proceedings of the Zaeltsovsky District Court of the city of Novosibirsk, a dispute is being considered on the recognition of the fact of the mathematical discovery of brief evidence Fertmat’s Last Theorem for billions people who have no mathematical experience except knowledge of secondary school. This proof should promote interest to mathematics in the World.


Sir Andrew J. Wiles, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus,
Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Princeton University 9 Nassau Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-5264
Phone: 609-258-3020
Fax: 609-258-2168
Email: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

Dear Sir Andrew J. Wiles!

I was inspired by your work in number theory, the result of which was the proof of Fertmat’s Last Theorem. The extraordinary beauty and conciseness of the formulation of Fermat's great theorem make us look for its visual solution. Let's try to consider Fermat's theorem from the eyes of physicist and geometry. It was from these positions that Pierre de Fermat could find a solution whose main ideas would fit schematically in the fairly wide margins of the book, in a few drawings. However, the paradigms that have prevailed for centuries in mathematics have provided a strong obstacle to finding a solution in the direction that, in modern language, is effective. Skeptics continue to believe that Pierre de Fermat was probably mistaken. Meanwhile, consistent application of the basic principles of physics, geometry, and thought experiment make us think differently.

Now, in the proceedings of the Zaeltsovsky District Court of the city of Novosibirsk, a dispute is being considered on the recognition of the fact of the mathematical discovery of brief evidence Fertmat’s Last Theorem for billions people who have no mathematical experience except knowledge of secondary school. This proof should promote interest to mathematics in the word.

I will be grateful for your feedback, the direction of objections and the search for possible errors in my proof. The address of  Zaeltsovsky District Court is Russia, Novosibirsk, Dachnaya Street 35 A office 505 Attorney Elapov Yuri Vladimirovich. The hearing is scheduled for March 24, 2020 9Zh30 local time. You can send your attorney to court or objection (see information http://zaelcovsky.nsk.sudrf.ru/).




Best Regardrs

Marat Alexandrovich Avdyev

630084 Russia, Novosibirsk Respublicanskaya street 10/1 office 10 Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

Добровольные пожертвования 

ПожертвованияСоюз "Сибирский Центр медиации"  ИНН 5406195342 КПП 860201001 Расч. счёт 40703810967170001448 в ЗАПАДНО-СИБИРСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ№8647 ПАО СБЕРБАНК в городе Тюмени.,  БИК 047102651 Корр. Счёт 30101810800000000651 Назн. платежа: добровольные пожертвования  НДС нет

